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Medicolegal CV

Curriculum Vitae  << Download PDF >>

PO Box 7191
Ingatestone, Essex CM4 9WA
Tel 01277 840140
Fax (01277) 829918
Email legal@manusood.co.uk
Degree  Year of Award
Diploma in Hand Surgery 1999
(Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand)
FRCS (Plastic Surgery) 1997
M.Ch.(Plastic Surgery) 1990
M.S.(General Surgery) 1988
M.B.B.S. 1983
Consultant Hand and Plastic Surgeon
St. Andrew’s Centre for Plastic Surgery
Broomfield Hospital
Chelmsford     CM1 7ET
Regional Advisor for East Anglia
Diploma in Hand Surgery
British Society for Surgery of the Hand/
University of Manchester
Elected to Council of British Society for Surgery of the Hand,
2007 – 2010.



April 1999                   Pain and the Peripheral Nerve: A Surgeon’s Viewpoint

Guest Lecture to the European Society for Hand Therapy

September 1999        1.The Management of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy

                                2. Surgery for the Spastic Upper Limb

Invited Speaker to the Continuing Medical Education Programme of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India

March 2000                Replantation in the Upper Limb

                                     Invited Speaker, North East Thames Hand Meeting

May 2001                    Tendon Transfers in Ulnar Nerve Palsy

                            Invited Speaker, North East Thames Regional Hand Meeting

September 2001        Functional Anatomy of the Hand

                                         Instructional Course, British Association of Hand Therapists.

5 April 2003              Plastic Surgery and the Management of Skin Cancers

                                PGEA Masterclass


1 May 2003                 The Management of Hand Injuries in the NHS

Essex Medicolegal Society


21 May 2003               Reconstruction of the Thumb

                                    North East Thames Regional Hand Meeting


13 June 2003              Upper Limb Spasticity, Syndactyly, Thumb Duplication

                                    Invited Speaker, Trent Region Orthopaedic Training Course


30 Jan 2005                Fingertip Injury with or without bone exposure

                                    Invited Speaker, BSSH Course in Advanced Hand Surgery


31 Jan 2005                Free Vascularised Bone / Joint Transfer in the Upper Limb

                                    Invited Speaker, BSSH Course in Advanced Hand Surgery


14 April 2005              Extensor Tendon Tethering

                                    Invited Speaker, Anglo Spanish Hand Meeting, Vallodolid


31 Jan 2006                Aesthetic Breast Surgery

                                    PGEA Masterclass


13 May 2006               The Management of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

                                    Invited Speaker, Essex Regional Neurophysiology Meeting


22 November 2006    Advanced Course in Hand Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons:  Invited Faculty


9th June 2007             Neuromodulation Workshop

                                   Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospital


4-6 July 2007             Summer Scientific Meeting BAPRAS


5-6 October 2007       Hand Surgery Examination

                                    British Society of Surgery for the Hand (BSSH)



27 November 2007    Human Factors in Risk Management

Partnership for Change Programme 


14th April 2008           Intercollegiate Speciality Boards Examiners’ Induction Course



1-2 May 2008              Spring Scientific Meeting BSSH



22-23 May 2008          Tendon Transfers and Nerve palsy

Invited speaker, British Association of Hand Therapists


6-7 June 2008            Nerve Injury & Compression, Pain, Anaesthesia

Instructional Course, BSSH


13-15 June 2008        3rd Pain Symposium

Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospital


2-3 October 2008       Hand Surgery Examination

                                    British Society of Surgery for the Hand (BSSH)



11 October 2008        Hand Surgery in Rheumatoid Arthritis, British Rheumatology Association

Invited Speaker


6-7 February 2009     Tendon Injury, Paralysis, Rehabilitation

Instructional Course in Hand Surgery

Invited speaker


1-2 October 2009       Hand Surgery Examination

                                    British Society of Surgery for the Hand (BSSH)



4 November 2009      Skin Cancers in Primary Care

Invited Speaker


12 November 2009    Autumn Scientific Meeting – BSSH

Symposium on “Microsurgical Reconstruction of the Upper Limb”

Microsurgical reconstruction of long bones defects in the upper limb

Vascularised bone grafting for established scaphoid non-union

Immediate toe transfer for reconstruction of single digit amputations.


25 November 2009    Hand and Wrist Arthroplasty Course

                                    Royal Liverpool University Hospital 

Instructional Course


4-5 December 2009   International Symposium for Plastic Surgeons

Occuloplastic Surgery, Munich


5-6 February 2010     The Child’s Hand and Tumours, BSSH

Instructional Course


9 February 2010        Tendon Transfers in the Hand and Upper limb

Royal Society of Medicine

Invited Speaker


11-13 March 2010      2nd Bergamo Rhinoplasty Course



22-23 April 2010        Spring Scientific Meeting, BSSH


27 May 2010               Degenerative Disorders of the Hand                     

Invited Speaker


9-11 June 2010          Beauty Through Science Symposium



7 September 2010     Hand Surgery for General Practitioners

The Mid Essex Medical Forum

Invited Speaker


20 October 2010        Mastering your Risk Workshop - MPS

Royal College of Physicians


8 February 2011         FRCS Plast Revision Course

Invited Faculty and Examiner


28 February 2011      FRCS Plast Revision Course

Invited Faculty and Examiner


1 March 2011             Mastering Adverse Outcomes Workshop

Royal College of Physicians


11-12 May 2011          Advanced Skills in Hand and Wrist Surgery

                                    Lectures Delivered

                                    Cubital Tunnel Release and Variations

                                    Tendon Transfers for Ulnar Nerve Palsy

                                    Rheumatoid Arthritis:  Replacement and Realignment of MCP Joint

                                    Correction of Finger Deformities

Fusion of Finger Joints for Arthritis and Trauma


29-30 Sept 2011         Cadaveric Hand Trauma Course

                                    Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital


23-24 Feb 2012          XI Surgery of the Hand

Frontiers in Hand and Upper Limb



24 April 2012              Mastering Difficult Interactions with Patients Workshop

                                    Royal College of Physicians


25 April 2012              Mastering Professional Interactions Workshop

                                    Royal College of Physicians


15-16 May 2012          Advanced Skills in Hand and Wrist Surgery

                                    Lectures Delivered

                                    Cubital Tunnel Release

Tendon Transfers of ulna nerve palsy

MCPJ realignment and replacement

Correction of finger deformities and joint fusion

ARPE Joint Replacement


19-21 June 2012        Core Skins in Hand Surgery

                                    Lectures Delivered

                                    Nerve Anatomy and Access

                                    Nerve Repair plus Grafting (Part 1)

                                    Nerve Repair plus Grafting (Part 2)


Lim EH, Sood M K, Dziewulski P D (2006) Unilateral palmar and axillary hyperhidrosis post electrical flash burn. Burns. 2006 May;32(3):389-90.

S. Papanastasiou, M.K. Sood (2004) Aberrant position of the ulnar nerve within the carpal canal. Microsurgery. 2004;24(1):24-5. 

S. Papanastasiou, M.K. Sood (2002) Double-level replantation of the upper extremity with microvascular pulp transfer onto an intermediate macroreplant segment.
Plast Reconstr Surg. 2002 Oct;110(5):1294-7.

M.K.Sood, D. Elliot (2000) Primary Amputation of the Middle Ray in the Treatment of Severe Injuries of the Central Hand. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 106:1 115-118

M.K.Sood, D.Elliot. (1998)  Relocation of Sensory Neuromas of the Hand into Pronator Quadratus.  British Journal of Hand  Surgery 23B: 2: 214-219.

D.Elliot, M.K.Sood,B.Swain, A.F.S.Flemming. (1997)  A Comparison of Replantation and Terminalisation of Distal Amputation of A Single Digit. British Journal of Hand Surgery, 22B: 523 - 529

M.K.Sood,  F.D.Burke. (1997)   Anterior interosseous nerve palsy : a review of 16 cases. British Journal of Hand Surgery, 22B:64-68.

M.K.Sood, D.Elliot. (1996)  A new technique for distal attachment of flexor tendon grafts to the the distal phalanx.  British Journal of Hand Surgery, 21B: 629 - 632.

Kangesu T., Ho Asjoe M., Sood M.K., Myint T. And  Frame J.D.(1995)

Replantation of  testis and penis in a child.  Lancet 345 (8961): 1368-9.

R.L.Thatte, M.K.Sood, P.K.Uppal (1987)

A combination of unusual abnormalities of the lacrimal apparatus and nostril in a case of bilateral cleft with choanal atresia. British  Journal of Plastic Surgery,40:645-6.



British Society for Surgery of the Hand                                             Member

British Association of Plastic Surgeons                                              Member

British Medical Association                                                              Member

Medical  Protection  Society                                                             Member



I am a Consultant Plastic and Hand Surgeon at the St Andrew’s Centre for Plastic Surgery where approximately 4500 patients with injuries including facial lacerations, leg injuries and hand trauma are treated every year.  In addition to over 800 patients per year with hand trauma of varying complexity (which includes tendon injuries, fractures and joint injuries, injuries to nerves and blood vessels and skin loss),  I also treat patients with elective hand problems such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, Dupuytren’s contracture and nerve compression syndromes. I have a special interest in microsurgical reconstruction of major injuries, nerve surgery, surgery for congenital anomalies of the hand and foot and surgical reconstruction of the upper extremity in patients with strokes and cerebral palsy.  I have an interest in clinical research and have published articles on hand surgery in peer reviewed journals.

I am actively involved in postgraduate teaching and I am currently responsible for the training of the Senior Registrar in Hand Surgery attached to the Regional Plastic Surgery Unit.

I maintain my accreditation for Continuing Medical Education by attending national and international conferences, visiting centres with an international reputation, remaining up to date with published literature in hand surgery and participating in postgraduate education and audit.

I am the Regional Advisor of East Anglia for the Hand Surgery Diploma which is administered by the British Society for Surgery of the Hand / University of Manchester.

I have been elected to Council for the British Society of Surgery of the Hand 2007 – 2010.

I have been the Plastic Surgery Representative on the Medical Advisory Committee at the BUPA Roding Hospital, Ilford for the last eighteen months.

Just to thank you once again for my face lift, I am really pleased with the result.


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