Pod Casts

Hand Surgery

Mr Sood has extensive experience in hand surgery. He has published widely in peer-reviewed journals and has been deeply involved in the training of hand surgeons for many years. He is currently an Examiner for the British Society for Surgery of the Hand.

Please consult the links below for information, photos and patient testimonials relating to the following conditions:

- Arthritis

- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

- Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome

- Cubital Tunnel Syndrome

- De Quervain's Tenosynovitis

- Dupuytren's Contracture

- Ganglion

- Hand Therapy

- Mucous Cyst

- Nerve Compression

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My hand is fully functional and I'm back at work typing letters as before. To me I feel that the operation was a complete success.


I can't recommend Dr Sood enough he has done an amazing job looking at it a week after the op it looks great nothing gory like I had imagined. The fact he takes time out to be reassuring too is a bonus. If I was ever to get a Glomus tumour again I wouldn't even question having it done again .

Jodie Barry

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